Renan already published with us The Brothers’ Conquest of a Village! This time, we counted with Verity’s English verification!
At school, a huge place where I went to study my regular classes, there was a hill with millenary trees besides the building, and, on its other side, there was a canteen. At break time when everybody used to go up the hill and sit in the woods, everything was normal, but that day when I got out of the building, a war had started.
In the playground, the place had become much bigger than before, with a lot of trenches and holes in the ground building a path through the dirt. I realized that all this meant a war between blue-uniformed soldiers and red-uniformed soldiers.
The ground became dusty and I was alongside the blue army. Suddenly many blue soldiers with grenades were hitting the roves of the buildings, destroying them, with lots of red snipers on top of it.
With many bullets in the air, my four classmates had appeared, making us five in total. So we started to climb up the hill, which became a slum without any citizens, only houses filled with red soldiers. All the walls were blue with the enemy squad.
Then, when the shoot out was about to start, my friends and I became smaller and smaller; we became the size of an ant. There were real ants near us, and their Queen ordered them to enslave us to work in an anthill.
As ants, our mission was to save the future Queen of the colony, who was in the middle of a trench on the red side. So, my friends and I started to run to the middle of the war of the human soldiers with a lot of other ants to help. Tons of them got smashed by humans’ feet.
The ant terrain was much bigger than before. If we kept running, it would take hours to reach the ant queen but we had no way out, and so we were forced to do it. Then suddenly a river sprang up to help us. We had built a boat to go faster to reach the queen. And so we did it: we got there, picked her up and went back through the same river that magically started to run to the other side. So the ants gave us a gift to make us bigger again, then I woke up.